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Member Board of Governors, Abdul Razzak Dawood at Namal University

In a significant development for Namal University, Mr. Abdul Razak Dawood, the Convener of the Management Committee and member of the Board of Governors graced the campus with a two-day visit, leaving an indelible mark on the institution's trajectory. During his stay, Mr. Dawood actively engaged in sessions with the Senior Management, Faculty, and Students. This immersive experience allowed him to gain valuable insights into the university's progress, its challenges, and the dynamic energy pulsating through the academic environment. Beyond discussions, Mr. Dawood took the opportunity to explore various campus facilities, expressing satisfaction with the state-of-the-art infrastructure that Namal University boasts. His keen interest in the physical aspects of the campus underscores the institution's commitment to providing a conducive learning environment for its students. A highlight of Mr. Dawood's visit was the distribution of Certificates of Appreciation to outstanding students and deserving faculty members. Notably, he honored students who secured the prestigious Best Paper Award at IEEE-ICET 2022, recognizing their exceptional contributions to academic excellence.